Basics of Geotechnical Engineering Design


Risk Categorization, Importance Factors, Concrete Modulus of elasticity, Aged Modulus of Elasticity, Concrete Modulus of Rupture, Exposure categories and classes, Requirements for concrete mixtures, Autogenous and Drying Shrinkage, Basic and Drying Creep, Factors Affecting Drying Shrinkage and Creep, Ultimate Shrinkage Strain Calculations, Ultimate Creep Coefficient Calculations,

Dead and Live Loads

Minimum Design Dead Loads, Minimum Densities for Construction Materials, Minimum Uniformly Distributed Live Loads, Reduction in Live Loads, Reduction in Roof Live Loads,

Seismic Loads

Mapped Acceleration Parameters, Site Classes, Site Coefficients, Maximum Spectral Acceleration Parameters, Design Spectral Acceleration Parameters, Seismic Design Category, Structural System Selection and Height Limits, Diaphragm Flexibility, Horizontal Structural Irregularities, Vertical Structural Irregularities, horizontal and Vertical Components of seismic forces, Direction of Loading Criteria, Permitted Analytical Procedures, Effective Seismic Weight, Effective Seismic Weight, Equivalent Lateral Force Procedures, Inherent and Accidental Torsion, Vertical and Horizontal Distribution of Seismic Forces, Story Drift Determination, Allowable Story Drift, P-Delta Effects,

Wind Loads

Basic Wind Speed, Surface Roughness Categories, Exposure Categories, Enclosure Classification, Wind Directionality Factor, Topographic Factor, Gust-Effect Factor, Internal Pressure Coefficient, External Pressure Coefficients, MWFRS wind loads, Design Wind Load Cases, Minimum Design Wind Loads,

Temperature Loads

Contraction Joint Spacings, Expansion Joint Spacings, Design Temperature Change,

Control Deflection

Approximate Minimum Beams and Slabs Thickness, Maximum Permissible Deflections, Approximate Cracked Moments of Inertia, Effective Moment of Inertia Detailed Procedures, Approximate and detailed Immediate Deflections, Approximate and detailed Long-Term Deflections Calculations, Transformed Uncracked Section Properties, Transformed Cracked Section Properties, Aged Transformed Uncracked Section Properties, Aged Transformed Cracked Section Properties,

Design basis

Ultimate Load Combinations, Service Load Combinations, Strength reduction factor,

Beams Design

Ultimate Design First Principals, Beams Flexural Design, Minimum reinforcement, Design Shear strength, Shear strength provided by concrete, Shear strength provided by shear reinforcement, Spacing limits for shear reinforcement, Minimum shear reinforcement, Torsion Design, Threshold Torsion, Equilibrium and Compatible Torsion, Torsion Reinforcement, Combined Shear and Torsion Design, Details of torsional reinforcement, Minimum torsion reinforcement


Columns Design

Limits for reinforcement for Columns, Design of Axially Loaded Columns, Slenderness effects in Columns, Sway and Non sway Frames, Effective length factors, second-order effects, Moment magnification procedures for Sway and Non sway Frames,

Slabs Design

Critical Section for Punching Shear, Punching Shear Stress Calculation, Design Strength of Concrete, Types of Punching Shear Reinforcement, Punching Shear Reinforcement Calculation, Punching Shear Reinforcement Details,

Reinforcement Details

Standard hooks, Minimum bend diameters, Spacing limits for reinforcement, Concrete protection for reinforcement, Reinforcement details for columns, Transverse reinforcement for compression and flexural members, Shrinkage and temperature reinforcement, Development of Straight Tension Bars, Development of Straight Compression Bars, Development of Hooked Tension Bars, Development of positive moment reinforcement, Development of negative moment reinforcement, Splices of Tension reinforcement, Class A splice, Class B splice, Splices of Compression reinforcement.

Earthquake Resistant Structures

Ordinary moment frames, Intermediate moment frames, Special moment frames, Requirements for Concrete in special moment frames, Requirements for Reinforcement in special moment frames, Shear strength for Intermediate moment frames, Reinforcement Details for Beams in Intermediate moment frames, Reinforcement Details for Columns in Intermediate moment frames, General requirements for Special moment frames, Reinforcement Details for Special moment frames, Shear strength for Special moment frames, Joints of special moment frames.

Basics of Geotechnical Engineering Design

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